Thursday, February 26, 2009

Weekly Political Rant 02/26/09

The stock market is in the shitter. It's going to stay that way for a good while longer. We all wish that it and the economy in general were doing better. But we elected Barack Obama and the Democrats because the majority of people in the US think that they have the answers to this problem. So, please people, give them a chance! They have barely been in office a month. Especially if you voted for them or supported them. Obama and his cabinet (well, the ones without tax evasion problems at least) are working on it to the best of their ability. He did what he vowed to do; he got the Stimulus package passed by Presidents day. That's a victory of substance over style and bluster. Something that should be a breathe of fresh air considering the political horrors of the past 8 years. And a new report currently circulating around the major news organizations says that all US combat troops will be out of Iraq by 2010. Just the fact that Obama and his administration is following through on what they said they would do during the election should give us as a nation a morale boost. Instead of listening to the fear mongering, and now on their heels right wing nut jobs like Rush Limbaugh we should look at the facts as they are. Obama has followed through on his promises as much as he can within the first month of him taking office. So let's give the man we elected with such a wide majority the chance he deserves.